19. 12. 2010 in Los Angeles… About me
I‘m a transvestite. I’m just like any other guy, with the exception sometimes I look / dress up as a woman. Some of you may know what a word “transvestite” means, some don’t. Transvestite is a person who dresses up like a person of opposite gender. I don’t consider myself to be a weirdo, I already accepted this part of me and try to live with it, overcoming the obstacles of bourgeoisie society we live in. Bourgeoisie society that judges without knowing me.
How was Betty born?
My otherness became evident already in childhood. Already as a child I was too sensitive, I played often with girls. As the time progressed I started to dress occasionally in parts of femme clothing in secret , using a lipstick every now and then. After the end of my late puberty I learned what I’m with the help of the internet. I was already studying at university and thanks to hours spent on internet I learned I’m not alone. After that there was a short period when I thought I was a transsexual, which quite obsessed me. I was already considering how to get to hormonal therapy medicaments. Then it faded, and that was the end of my transsexual period.
I chose name Betty long time ago, when I was studying at university, after discovering Betty Page, a 50-ties fetish pin-up model. I liked her seductive and provocative look, crazy photos, as well as her direct passion which radiated from her photos. Later on I added surname, which I “borrowed” from a friend and I became Betty .
After finishing university came the crash — crash with the real life with all it’s problems. I tried to suppress my otherness with all possible ways: starting with multiple phase training in sports, through workaholic approach, to “reseting” my
mind during weekends in bars and clubs. It’s hard to tell now how much it was suppression and how much I really liked work and sports. One thing is sure, I didn’t have any courage and self-esteem to “manifest” myself as a woman.
The change came just before I turned 30, when I told myself: ENOUGH! My buying fever started and I often bought femme things that didn’t even suit me. I bought books about makeup and learned from them. One day I decided I will do my first complete makeover, and after few hours of preparations I finished the makeover by putting on the wig. Then I looked into the mirror and my heart jumped. After very long time I felt happy and calm, I knew I will never give this up.
What then?
I started to make contacts via internet within transgender community and then I started to attend events, mainly in Los Angeles. There I met lots of amazing people who helped me a lot. Not forgetting also my online friends who helped me as well. I want to thank you all, it would be much harder without you.
And then? I think I can compare myself to a dog off the chain :). I didn‘t miss a single event, traveled a lot, visited alternative events a met lot‘s of people. Only now, as I look back, I see how much has changed in last few months. And I know a lot will change.